Come As You Are

Matthew 11:28-30 (TPT)

‘Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me.

It isn’t Friday but I feel like it is. My bones are weary. My soul in need of rest.

I hear the invitation to come and drink from the well of living water; drink deep and quench my thirst. Come put my head on my Abba’s chest, allow my breath to synchronize with his. The one who made me in my mother’s womb looks at me, with all my imperfections, and says, ‘You are altogether beautiful, my darling!’ (Song of Songs 4:7, NIV)

Let me slow my breathing. Be here in this moment. With Jesus.

Oh, how happy he is to see me!

Breathing deep… right here in my safe place, my refuge.

I am held. Thoroughly loved. Embraced.

My tiredness washes away.  

Reconnected with my centre of gravity. I am regenerated. Restored.

Nothing else is asked of me but to respond to the gentle whisper:

‘Just come. Come as you are.’

Prayer Lord Jesus, how thankful we are that you made a way for us to come to the heart of the Father so closely and freely. Praised be your name for, in you, there’s no need to wait until Sabbath to get rest. Your arms are always open to welcome us. Thank you for being the oasis that truly quenches thirst!


The Secret To Prosperity

