Worship: Creation worships God!

Psalm 96, 11-13 (NIVUK)
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
    let the sea resound, and all that is in it.
Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;
    let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.
Let all creation rejoice before the Lord. 

How is your prayer life? Sometimes our surroundings matter when we pray, especially when prayer feels like a struggle. If you’re gazing at a blank wall or looking at the pile of washing up in the kitchen sink, it can be hard to feel inspired to pray. We may know that God is good and faithful and his face is beautiful, but the kitchen is crying out to be cleaned! This doesn’t look like a scene that is worshipping its creator.

Sometimes when I’m struggling to focus in prayer, I have to get outside. Once the fresh air is on my face and I can see nature, my heart changes, and my focus shifts from me to God. 

Perhaps the reason for the shift is that, outside, I’m stepping into a worshipping community! Not one made up of people and church buildings, but a different kind of community. Everywhere God’s creation is worshipping God – not only human beings but, Scripture tells us, nature itself praises its maker. 

Our Bible reading today speaks of fields being excited and trees singing! Jesus himself says that if we forget to worship, the rocks themselves will cry out to God. (Luke 19:40). When we get outside, we see not only how beautiful the world is that God has made, but also how that world is, in a million ways, singing back its thanks to God. 

As we worship God outside, we join in with all the praise of the earth that’s going on day and night. We remember his beauty, his power, and his hope through the changing seasons around us. Our hearts are filled again with awe. So let’s try and get out into creation at some point today.

Prayer - Creator God, the mountains speak of your greatness, the sunrise speaks of hope, the rain speaks of your refreshment, and I join in today, praising and worshipping you.


Worship: It never stops!


Worship: Help from the Spirit