Worship: Help from the Spirit

John 1:13-15 (NIVUK)
When he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me.

For my first job, I once had to deliver a massive brand-new SUV from one part of the city to the other. There was only one problem – I’d only just passed my driving test and my feet couldn’t really reach the pedals. I was petrified! When my boss waved me off, I’d never felt so alone – with a job to do, but no one to help!

We can feel this way in our daily walk with God, and even in our gathered worship times. We can feel unable to fulfil what God has called us to, or inadequate for the task ahead, or even have no energy or desire to express our worship when we gather. 

Today’s Bible reading shows us that the Holy Spirit is active in our lives and that we are never truly alone in our worship, both gathered and scattered. Listen to all those verbs – he COMES to you, he GUIDES you, he SPEAKS to you, he HEARS from the Father. And he always glorifies Jesus. 

What an amazing truth to stand upon today - that the Spirit is actively at work in you today and that he will help lead you, teach you, and aid your life, pointing to Jesus and glorifying him!

Which area of your life could point more to Jesus today? 

Prayer - Holy Spirit, thank you that you are here with me now. Come fill me completely with the life of Jesus. Glorify Jesus through me today at work, at rest, in all my communication. Thank you I am never on my own, but you are with me. 


Worship: Creation worships God!


Worship: I’m all yours