Deal With That Thorny Issue

2 Corinthians 12 v9 (NIV) —

‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’

This week the devotionals have a more contemplative style: I find it helpful, before I start the day, to take a few minutes to be quiet and listen to God’s voice. I hope you too will find it helpful.

Can I encourage you to sit in a comfortable chair and take time to be still. Our heads are so full of activity and our senses full of distractions. Take a few deep breaths, and now relax your shoulders and jaw. Ask God to be with you as you look at his word.

Read today's passage slowly and out loud.

Take a few moments to absorb what you read and pray that God would bring new insights.

Read the passage again and ask God to stop you at a particular word or phrase.

Listen to what God is saying to you personally and sense his love for you.

Focus on your feelings:

Are you encouraged?

Is your hope renewed for a particular situation?

How do you feel about God’s grace – that unconditional love?

Is it hard to believe that God's power is in our weakness?  Tell him why.

Where do you feel particularly weak today? Ask for his power.

These words were spoken by God to Paul in response to his three pleas for healing for a problem that wore him down; he called it ‘his thorn in the flesh.’ Maybe you have something you have asked God about many times.

I love to see a small child holding the hand of a loving parent. The child immediately feels safe, has courage, feels loved. Maybe you can imagine holding the hand of your Heavenly Father as you walk through your day today, particularly those times you know are going to be challenging.

I encourage you to repeat the verse throughout the day whenever you have a quiet moment.

 Prayer - Thank you, God, that we are completely known and loved by you.


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