Do I Need Pruning?

John 15 v5-6 (NIV)—

‘I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers.’

In this moment, I encourage you to take time to be quiet and still. Sit in that comfy chair, relax your body and take a few deep breaths. Imagine breathing out all the stresses you may be feeling about the day ahead.

Now read the passage slowly and out loud. Take time to absorb it.

Repeat the reading, but this time make it personal as you read it:

e.g. God is the vine and I, Larry, am one of the branches. If I remain in God and God in me, I will bear much fruit; apart from God I can do nothing. 

Ask God to stop you at a particular word or phrase. He may surprise you.

How do I remain in God?

Is it keeping close in prayer or listening to his voice?

Is it knowing his character and teachings from reading the Bible?

Is it being known and loved by God?

I don’t have a vine in my garden but, like other fruit trees, pruning is part of the process to improve the quality and the abundance of the fruit. There are branches that seem to go their own way, grow inwards, get tangled with other branches. These ones have to be cut off because they don’t bear as much fruit, and they drain the tree of its nutrients. The branches which bear the most fruit grow up towards the sunlight.

Do I always want to grow up towards the light of God, or do I prefer sometimes to go my own way and inevitably get in a tangle?

What would being fruitful look like in my life?

Prayer -Thank you, God, that we can have a fruitful life as we remain in your love.


How Big Is Your God?


Deal With That Thorny Issue