
John 10:9 (ESV) —

‘I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.’

Today we reflect on Jesus’ third ‘I am’ statement: that he is the Door. This one is so simple but so clever. I love this one.

Let’s think about doors. They are the places of transition between one space and another. Wherever you put a door, it marks the end of one place and the beginning of another. Transition happens at the door, but it’s on usto take the action of walking through.

So, if Jesus says he’s the Door, he’s telling us that on the other side of an encounter with him there is a new space. Embracing him is a transition moment. It quite literally moves us somewhere new.

He continues, ‘if anyone enters by me’ they will ‘be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.’ Two things. This is not Jesus saying that by entering through him there is salvation alone. No, as if salvation wasn’t enough, he tells us that he is a door to pasture. This word’s like a hyperlink. When we hear Jesus use it, our minds should be teleported to Psalm 23, where the metaphor that he makes us lie down in green pastures describes God’s kind provision and gentle leadership.

Will you choose to walk through the Door today? Like the partition between two rooms, Jesus stands on the boundary between the lack and tiredness of your own strength, and the grace and peace of the space he beckons us into. All you have to do is walk through in prayer.

Prayer -Jesus, on the other side of every encounter with you I am in a new place. As I meet you now, and throughout times in my day, thank you that through you I will find grace, peace and strength.



