
John 8:12 (ESV) —

‘Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'

Today we’re looking at Jesus’ second ‘I am’ statement from John’s Gospel. This time, Jesus says he is the Light of the World.

As we think about this, let’s first consider darkness - the counterpart to ‘Light’. Where there is darkness, we can’t see: this means we can get lost, we can lose things or - God forbid - we can step on a charging plug. All bad things!

For its negative connotations, ‘darkness’ is used metaphorically all the time in daily life. Think about it: to be ‘in the dark’ about something is to not know, and if we see something disturbing we might describe it as ‘dark’.

Now let’s think about light. Where light exists, darkness cannot. They are not equal powers: light is more powerful than darkness! In fact, darkness can only operate in the negative - it is the absence of light, not vice versa. Darkness cannot advance but only exists by necessity, creeping forward where light recedes.

So, what does it mean for Jesus to be the ‘Light’? Well, it means that things of ‘darkness’ are conquered. If we are lost, we find where we are meant to be. The things which may cause us pain are avoided, or worked around, or walked safely through. The sin in the world’s ‘dark’ places is exposed and brought to justice.

Darkness cannot challenge Jesus’ presence, and he promises us that if we follow him we ‘will not walk in darkness’.

Let’s grasp hold of that today. Is there a dark place in your life? A place where you’ve become lost, or you’re hurting? If that’s a ‘yes’, afford yourself some time to sit with Jesus today, because where Light is, the darkness cannot remain.

Prayer - Jesus, you are the Light I need. As I meet with you now, and throughout times in my day, thank you that you are conquering the dark places in me.



