
Job 38:12-13 (NLT) —

‘Have you ever commanded the morning to appear and caused the dawn to rise in the east? Have you made daylight spread to the ends of the earth, to bring an end to the night’s wickedness?’

Elohim - The creator.

If you have the opportunity today, read Job 38. It’s a chapter that humbles me every time my pride leads me to falsely believe that I can handle all that life throws at me out of my own strength. This scripture is God reminding Job of his ultimate authority as overarching creator - and serves as a reminder for all of us too!

Acknowledging God as creator is humbling but releasing: it enables us to remember who is in control. He is the orchestrator, seed planter, idea generator. He can provide avenues, strategies, concepts. He positions and appoints. He can create out of nothing and makes ways where there aren’t any. Surely it is comforting to know that somebody like that is in control!

It takes humility to realise that we need a creator. Especially when we have access to so many resources that make us feel self-sufficient or we have become so familiar with navigating things our own way. I don’t believe this means we must live without any personal control, but rather, in our decisions, we ensure that what we want aligns with what Godwants. It also means being okay when he tells us that there is a better way that differs from our own!

By acknowledging God as creator, we have an opportunity to put him in his rightful place - as well as relinquishing control that is not ours. It is a call to submission, trading places as ruler over our own life, while resting assured that it is placed in the most capable hands of all.

He is the creator. Give him control, and all the credit too!

Prayer — Lord, I recognise you as creator and the ruler of my life. I repent for thinking I can be self-sufficient, and I return to you again.


Jehovah Rohi


El Roi