El Roi

Psalm 139:11 (NLT) —

‘I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night— but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you.’

El Roi - The God who sees.

My current job involves safeguarding victims of human trafficking. This means I often speak with survivors and learn about their experiences. I remember speaking with one individual who had crossed the sea and lost close family members in the process (a story unfortunately not uncommon). But what was different in this case is that, when given the opportunity to speak to the impact of their experience, they stated that, despite what they had faced, they were a Christian and believed God cared for them. Despite the pain that had been endured, there was still a firm belief that they were seen and watched over by God.

This stuck with me and profoundly challenged me. There is so much power in knowing God is One who sees. This individual’s situation was so bleak, if you used your natural eye, you might have struggled to find reasons to be grateful for God and what he’s done. And yet what was holding this survivor together, allowing them to move forward and have hope for a better future for themselves and their family, was the simple truth that God is watching over them.

You may be feeling isolated, wondering whether anybody can see you; you may be feeling invisible. Or you may be surrounded by people that love you to the best of their ability and yet at times you feel the totality of 'you' is not fully seen. My prayer is that you would know that you are the object of his attention. That there is nothing that escapes him: the sacrifices you have made, the things you have been 'unthanked' for, the challenges you have had to overcome.

He sees all.

And may that truth lead you into greater freedom and security today. 

Prayer —Take a moment to reflect on how, all your life, God has seen you with love. He is the God who sees you and your situation.




I Am