Faithful In Prayer

Romans 12: 9 -12 (NIV)

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer

A few months ago, something came up in my life that became a constant source of worry. It was beyond my control and try as I might to mitigate the situation it was going to cause unavoidable stress. Prayer really should have been my first resort and you'd think that after many years of God proving his faithfulness to me that I would run immediately to him with the situation. Nope! It took a while to turn the situation over to God in prayer. 

Being faithful in prayer is more than just discipline in prayer; it is cultivating a lifestyle of communicating with God. It is a beyond-words-privilege to have direct access to God and to sit at his feet for him to listen and share all our worries, hopes and dreams. Too often, we all fall into a rut with prayer; we find it hard to pray and hard to listen. Prayer is designed to be dynamic and finding a rhythm in our prayer life is important. 

The Bible is full of verses that can teach us how to pray. Here are a few to encourage you: Ephesians 6:18 (pray in the Spirit), 1 Thessalonians 5 6-18 (Pray without ceasing), 1 John 5 :14 (we have confidence to approach God). Could you spend a few minutes looking these up before your next activity?

Reflection — Spend some extra time in prayer today. Be still and take time to listen to what God has for you.




Patient In Affliction