Patient In Affliction

Romans 12: 9 -12

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer

Job is probably the most famous example of someone who was patient in affliction. Boy, was he patient! He was a wealthy man living his best life in the land of Uz, with his family and vast possessions and one day, he lost everything. He mourns for his losses but still praises God in his prayers. Throughout the 42 chapters as the story of Job unfolds, we see that despite all the heart-breaking circumstances, he never wavered in his belief that God was in control. He did ask questions of God, but his faith stayed firm.

The Greek word for patience in Romans 12 is hypomeno which means to remain, to persevere. We will face affliction in our lives: Jesus says so in John 16:33 and we are called to be patient. Being patient is not easy - we live in a world where we have instant access to everything, so being patient in affliction is something we find very hard. 

However, it needs to be said there are situations where persevering in affliction is not the right thing to do; where we need to act right away 'to do justly and to love mercy' (Micah 6:8) We have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit to discern aright whether we should wait patiently or to act quickly in any difficult situation. Most of us probably find the former harder but the grace of God is right there with us in the waiting.

Prayer Holy Spirit, I ask for your patience today. Help me to stay steadfast.


Faithful In Prayer


Joyful In Hope