Finding Jesus’ Joy

Please note that our Daily Devotionals are taking a break and will resume the week commencing 05 September.

(GS Youth)

Philippians 2:1-2 (NLT)

Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!  Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.

In Philippians, Paul is explaining to the church that when you live as a Christian it is all about seeing your own story as an expression of Jesus’ story. Paul calls people to live life just as Jesus did so that even when they’re suffering, and in pain, and don’t know what to do; they can find joy, peace and purpose by living through Jesus.

Joy isn’t an easy emotion to stir up or control and it’s sometimes hard to determine what you're feeling is joy or not (it's not the same as 'happiness' which depends on what happens to us.) But joy does not arrive when you’re trying to hold it all together and appear ‘fine’. Joy comes when you let God hold you, when you let God know what you need and you thank him. Even if it’s a simple prayer every night or reading the Bible for five minutes every morning, you're opening yourself to joy.

Joy is the light in the midst of our suffering and so when you’re struggling to see the good in darkness – pray. Talk to God. God is there! He doesn’t hate you, in fact it’s the complete opposite - HE LOVES YOU! God made you so perfectly in his eyes that he loves you more than you could ever imagine, so the least you could do is talk to him!

Prayer - Lord, I pray that whoever is reading this right now is filled with your presence for whatever their next task is, I pray that they will choose to live their life in joy. Amidst all the chaos, bring them peace, hope and laughter.


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