Who Do You Think You Are - A Saint?

1 Corinthians 1:2 (ESV)
To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours.

'I hate being married to a saint!' I grumbled inwardly as H capped my criticism of someone with a kind comment. But the problem for me (and perhaps for you) is that we're all designated 'saints' as followers of Jesus. Try putting the word 'Saint' before your first name... go on… eurgh! It really does feel uncomfortably wrong. How to reconcile my daily unsaintly behaviours with Paul's (Saint Paul's?) words above - 'called to be saints'.

I notice with a small degree of relief that the phrase is 'called to be saints' rather than 'called saints.' That implies that I didn't start out as a saint but that it is a status I acquire. But how does that happen?

Other Bible versions of this verse read: 'called to be his holy people' (e.g. NIVUK) which sends me searching for definitions of 'holy' and I find this: ' holy - set apart for God's special purpose and for his purpose only.'

The word 'holy' refers to something that is wholly (yes, the words are linked) exclusively, set apart for one purpose. (So you could call your toothbrush a 'holy toothbrush' if it never touches another mouth!) I find it extraordinarily wonderful and a bit overwhelming that God should have created me for his special purpose and 'sanctified me in Christ.' 

Sanctified is made of two words meaning 'made holy.' So when I or you accepted Jesus as Saviour, God amazingly conferred on us the status of 'holy people'. The Message translation of the verse reads that we are 'believers cleaned up by Jesus and set apart for a God-filled life.' (MSG) Yes! The process of making us holy, begins and ends with Jesus!

Prayer — Thank you, God that you designate me 'holy', a 'saint' because, and only because, of Jesus's death for my sins. Thank you that you are in the business of cleaning up my life, today, tomorrow and for the rest of my days. I love that! Fresh, new, set apart - every day!


Who Do You Think You Are - A Temple?


Finding Jesus’ Joy