Full Of What?

Luke 4:1 (NIV)—

‘Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness’

My church upbringing was middle-of-the-road conservative evangelical so the Holy Spirit wasn't spoken of much. I was very suspicious of the hand raisers at my friend Dave’s church and didn’t understand why the worship there had to go on for so long.

In my second year at Bible college I translated Luke and Acts. As I slowly worked through these passages, I was not ready for what I was about to experience and how it would revolutionise my life. I began to notice how frequently a particular phrase appeared. Before any daring move, miracle or preach, the apostle Luke is very careful to preface it with this:

'and full of the Spirit, (they) said.….

I was shocked. I had read these passages several times but always glossed over the role of the Holy Spirit in the early church’s ministry. When I reflected on times where I had shared my faith with others or preached, my inner posture was essentially 'and Tim full of his studies and nervous energy said...' When I spoke, it was typically through a learned response, instinct or human energy. It had never crossed my mind that each time I spoke about Jesus, he would want me to operate in the same power as he did - the Holy Spirit.The Word of God led me to the Spirit. I began a journey of pausing before I spoke and saying in my mind, 'And Tim, full of the Holy Spirit said…' I was desperate to learn about operating in the power of the Spirit so in 2014 I packed my bags and moved to London to do the Worship Central Academy at Holy Trinity Brompton.

REFLECT and PRAY - As you go about your day, how many of your words are being said on instinct or habit rather than in the power of the Holy Spirit?

Holy Spirit, remind me of your presence in my life, inspire every word and thought today.


No Finger Left To Point


I Don’t Think I Love Jesus