Given Names

Matthew 5:9 (NIV)

‘Blessed are the peacemakers, 

for they will be called children of God.’

Timothy Muller. I didn’t choose this name. I was called it by my parents. That’s why it's often called a ‘given name.’ One of my friends was named ‘Stephen’ by his parents but in later years felt that ‘Joshua’ suited him better. Initially I was underwhelmed by the upgrade as I felt he had missed the opportunity for something truly spicy like 'Stargazertreerainbow' but he was happy with Josh. Biblically we see that names are important as they carry identity and meaning. My mate Josh chose this because it means “God is Deliverance” and he had been saved from some heavy stuff.  

You have been given a name - 'Child of God.' Why? Because God 's nature is to bring peace - and kids inherit from their parents. Peace-bringing is  a classic God-family trait. The world needs to see God’s kids bringing peace and kindness into every sort of situation, so the lost may recognise the reflection of the Father. (Luke 2:14 'Glory to God in the heavenly heights. Peace to all on earth who please him.')

Brokenness, unforgiveness, jealousy, war and fighting come when we become estranged from our Heavenly Father. But the good news is that even when we were still stuck in sin, Jesus Christ died for us. Even while we were still far off from God, he came running to meet us on our path home. Jesus Christ came to reconcile the lost and bring peace. You’re a peacemaker because it's in your God-given DNA. You have the blessing of being chosen and adopted into his family and given the Son's nature - you're a Christian, reflecting Jesus.

Prayer – Thank you Jesus for dying to reconcile me and bring me peace. Holy Spirit, let me rest in this peace today and show me where I can bring kindness and wholeness to broken situations today. Father, thank you that before I was even born you knew me and named me 'Your Child.'


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