Get Blessed

Matthew 5:10-12 

‘Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, 

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 

Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.’

The Apostle Paul wrote urging us to eagerly desire prophecy (1 Cor 14:1). However he failed to mention the caveat that prophets typically faced intense persecution because they spoke challenging truths. 

This long list of blessings in Matthew 5 ends with a reminder of reality. I love how Jesus never shied away from the truth. Often the temptation in Christianity is to only ever speak of the silver lining and forget the stark truth that every silver lining has a cloud. Jesus knew this cloud well - it hung across the darkened sky for hours when he was crucified. 

When we choose to follow Jesus it’s not always warmly received by others. People, relatives, friends, workmates often don’t get us or the choices we make. Maybe you’re reading this and you’ve had to flee your home country because of persecution. Maybe following Jesus has cost you far more than anyone could know. But Jesus knows and he is so thankful for your sacrifice. He calls you blessed because he knows the treasures that await you. 

Your life right now on earth might be tough but don’t give up! If you turn your eyes toward the heavens, you will see an eternal future that has no rain clouds - only sun. A heavenly future where every tear is wiped away from your eyes. Where he will bind up the broken hearted and we will rejoice forever in our new heavenly home. There’s a kingdom in the heavens and we will be there one day. When today is tough hold on to that hope. And keep your spiritual eyes open for 'glimpses of glory' he shows you on the way.

Prayer Jesus I thank you that my name is registered as a citizen of heaven. I need a draw-down from this kingdom today. Thank you for sending me your Holy Spirit as a down-payment of my future inheritance (Eph 1:14). Come Holy Spirit right now to comfort and strengthen me in these current trials. May I never get tired of sharing your good news and telling others that they too can access life eternal through Jesus.   


Turning Back To God


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