God Is Grace

John 20 v 27 (NIV)

Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.

I love Jesus’ response to Thomas. Have you ever had those moments of big life questions or doubts where you’re afraid of God’s response? I often find myself in that place, whether I’m questioning where God has placed me or about which steps I should take next. In times of uncertainty, we often shove the questions and doubts down, feeling a sense of shame that our faith doesn’t feel unshakeable. However, it’s important in those moments to recognise the value of wrestling with God and asking the hard questions. I love this quote from William Barclay : ‘If a man fights his way through his doubts to the conviction that Jesus Christ is Lord, he has attained to a certainty that the man who unthinkingly accepts things can never reach.’ *

This is why I believe that Jesus’ reaction to Thomas is so significant. Instead of harshly rebuking Thomas for his demands to see physical evidence of the resurrection, Jesus knew that evidence was exactly what he needed at that moment. Jesus’ reaction was one of gentleness and care; his deep love for Thomas could never be diminished by his disciple's unbelief. Most importantly, it was from this posture of love that Jesus told Thomas to move from a place of unbelief to belief. He didn’t want Thomas to dwell in the uncertainty, hiding from his presence until he had all the answers. This is an encouragement for us to press forward in our faith, aware that God knows our struggles, believing that with his presence we can step into all that he has for us.

I’ll leave you with the following questions – What are the thoughts and questions in your life that you’re hiding from God? What would it look like to bring them to God in full assurance of his gentleness and grace?

Prayer – Lord thank you for your forgiveness and grace. Thank you that you never respond to us in judgement but with gentleness and open arms. I am sorry for the times that I have not been honest with you. I pray Lord that you continue to strengthen and lead me.

* William Barclay 'The Gospel of John' (1964)


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