God Is A Talker

Jeremiah 33:3 (NLV)

Call to Me, and I will answer you. And I will show you great and wonderful things which you do not know.

God wants to talk to us. This is an incredibly important truth that has taken me a while to learn. Over the last few months and even weeks of my faith journey, I've been struck by the realisation that when I make more space for God in my daily life, God speaks. Now this can be in the all-out, arms raised high worship on a Sunday morning. But more often for me, it’s becoming aware of his Presence reassuring me that the journey I'm taking and the decisions I make are a plan being unfolded by a God who loves me enough to die for me.

I don't know what your relationship with God is like away from Sunday worship? Probably better than mine. But I can’t overstate how important it is to remember that God lives with us and wants to chat with us.

Daily I'm learning that intentionally bringing myself into God's presence by, for example, reading a devotional on the bus, or putting on Bethel's latest album in the car, creates a spiritual posture that opens my heart to receive him.

God does not operate like an on/off switch but rather he wants to be in our every moment, conversing with us during each day.  And he challenges us to seek him intentionally, through our daily spiritual disciplines, like reading this short thought or by engaging in longer Bible study - and through habits of prayer.

My challenge for you is, some time today, take an extra moment to shut your computer, turn off your music or put down your phone, and pray a short prayer inviting your father God to talk to you.

Prayer - Lord we pray that the hustle and bustle of our daily lives does not get block out what you have to say to us. We pray that you’d open our eyes to see you moving, and our ears to hear your voice.


God Is Grace


God Is More Than Enough