God Is Powerful

Genesis 1:1
‘In the beginning God created’ 

I enjoy watching TV’s ‘The world’s strongest man’ (please don’t judge me haha). These guys are insane: they pull trucks up inclines and throw whole trees as if they’re twigs. Imagine asking one of them to give you a hand moving a bedside cabinet. They would do it with ease but asking would feel like an insult to their power. 

As powerful as these men are, Genesis 1 reveals that God is so much more powerful. He is the creator. Everything seen and everything unseen. Stars and Sand. Galaxies and Giraffes. The universe and you. He formed and fashioned it all. As if that weren’t impressive enough; he made It all out of nothing. 

Take a moment and ponder on that… there was absolutely nothing, then God spoke and there was everything.

Now let me ask you a question: does what you ask for in prayer reflect the fact that God is powerful enough to create everything out of nothing? Or are your prayer requests more like asking the world’s strongest man to open a jar of pickles? Don’t get me wrong God cares about your jar of pickles: you can and should take it to him in prayer, but as I re-read Genesis 1 I’m reminded at the sheer power of our God, and I feel challenged to pray bigger, bolder prayers. 

When it comes to your finances, your health, your relationships and your tricky work situations, God is powerful. What do you need today? Does it seem impossible? In the beginning, God created. Your God is powerful. And you can go to him directly and present your request boldly.

Prayer — God you are amazing. Your creation is amazing. Thank you for it, thank you that it testifies to your power. Today may I see that same power at work in my life.


God Is Preparing


God Is Present