God Is Present

Genesis 1:1
‘In the beginning God’

If you know me at all, then you know I am an introvert. I love people, but I find being around them exhausting. I’m never happier than when I’m sitting alone at home drinking tea (wild right?). It takes a lot of persuasion from friends and countless pep talks to myself before I commit to any social occasion…. even then I’m planning my escape before It even starts. In short, my presence isn’t guaranteed, it’s dependent on a number of factors: if the right people are going, the activity is desirable enough, or the cause important enough I’ll be there, if not, I’ll stick to my tea.

Maybe I’m an extreme example, but I think all humans need persuading to be present at times. Even extroverts have moments they just want to stay home right? Which is why the next thing I notice in Genesis 1 blows my mind. 

‘In the beginning God’. God was present in the beginning. Before there was anything or anyone to show up for God was present. He was present before creation came into existence, and we can be sure he will be once creation ceases. Just as he was present then, he is present today. God being present is one of the few guarantees in life. 

What are you about to begin? A new day? A new Job? A new school? A new relationship? Or maybe just another task on your to-do list? 

None of us know what the future holds and that can be a daunting thing sometimes, but in this moment of beginning, know that God is present. Acknowledge his presence. Welcome his presence. And feel the fear of what’s next fade in the fact God is present.

Prayer — Thank you that I need not persuade you to be present. Thank you for always being with me. In this moment, and the rest of today, may I know for sure you are here with me. 


God Is Powerful


Forgive Me, I’m Forgetful