Greater Than It All

Psalm 63:3 (NLT)
Your unfailing love is better than life itself, how I praise you!

In the hustle and bustle of life, it can become so easy to let our gaze wander from God. We chase after earthly success, comfort in our relationships, and yearning for material possessions. We easily forget that our identity is found solely in the unchanging love of Christ. 

However, David, in this Psalm, tells us the love of God is greater than life itself. This can be interpreted many ways, but perhaps David is reminding us that the love of God is better than anything this world has to offer. Things of the world are tempting to the eye, deceiving us that they offer life and fulfilment; however, as many of us know, things of the World falter and fade, reminding us that Christ himself is the only one that satisfies and fulfils. Christ is the only one who can offer us everlasting love.

In 1 John 4:16, John tells us to rely on the love of God. To rely, to depend upon, to put our confidence in. I’ve been reflecting on my own life recently: what does it mean for me to rely on the love of God? I feel perhaps God is reminding me at this time to rely on what he says about me, to rely on his unconditional love for me, to not place value in worldly opinions or ideologies, but to rely on his Gospel truth. Our worth, identity and purpose are encompassed in his love for us, which is greater than life itself. 

Finally, this verse reminds us that God's love is greater as it is not bound by life. God’s love is higher than the mountains we face, deeper than the pits we find ourselves in, and even when we breathe our last, the only thing remaining is his love. 

Prayer - Lord help me to rely on your love; help me to not place my worth or identity in worldly things, but live a life centred on your everlasting love. 


Be Still


My Father's Tender Love