Green Pastures

Psalm 23:2 –

‘He makes me lie down in green pastures’

Whenever I hear this phrase, I cannot help but picture the opening credits of Emmerdale. Rich and lush green hills as far the eyes can see in every direction. This image, however, was challenged recently. I was watching ‘The Chosen’ - a drama adaptation of Jesus' life (I highly recommend you check it out if you haven't already). In all the footage, I was struck by the distinct lack of 'green'. Where 'green pastures' are a common occurrence in England, they are somewhat rarer in the Judean deserts.

For a pasture to be green in this setting required a shepherd to work hard! Rocks needed to be cleared and stumps torn out. The land needed levelling, weeding, seeding, and irrigating. No doubt in the process the shepherd picked up a scar or two. Thorns would have pricked and weeds wounded. Boulders would have drawn blood and in the heat of the desert beads of sweat would have dropped. Yet the shepherd toiled tirelessly, spurred on by the thought that his sheep would one day lie down to rest.

‘To lie in a green pasture is to rest in the finished work of a good shepherd’ (Max Lucado)*

We too have a shepherd who toiled. His hands were pierced as he tore out the thorns of condemnation. His skin was scraped as he pried loose the boulder of sin. He sweated as he scattered seeds of mercy and grace. And he now delights in nothing more than his sheep resting in his finished work.

Today, you can rest. Safe and secure, known, and loved not by your own effort but because of Jesus. He has done everything needed to make a way for us to come.

Prayer – Thank you for doing everything necessary for me to rest. Help me do just that today.

"Traveling light; Releasing the Burdens You Were Never Intended to Bear" Max Lucado


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Sheep And Shepherds