
Psalm 121:1 (NIVUK)—

‘I lift up my eyes to the mountains –
    where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.’

I’ve heard it said that one of the best prayers one can pray is 'Help!' It’s far too often that I am at my wits end grasping at straws in life, on the verge of total melt down and after everything fails, I decide to pray. 'Why didn’t I do that sooner?' I always ask myself.

Prayer should be the heartbeat of every true believer. 'Our struggle is not against flesh and blood,' as Paul says, 'but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.' (Eph 6:12) We’ve got a fight coming to us from the unseen world and we need help from on high.

With God no circumstance is too small and no battle is too great. His desire is that you are more than a conqueror and that you reign in this life. Often I feel my need is not great enough to ask the Lord in prayer to meet it. I figure ‘it’s just life’ and I can figure it out on my own. When we do this, however, we deprive ourselves of witnessing the real goodness of God, as well as encountering his love and power. He longs to be our provision even in the mundane things of life. 

Let prayer be your weapon and the Lord be your help in every situation! God longs to help you and all who call on the name of the Lord Jesus will be saved.

Prayer - Lord help me! Come to my aide. I am sinking. Provide for me. Give me shelter. I call upon the name of Jesus. I love you. I live my life for you. Be gracious to me. Thank you!


You Will Have Trouble...


Assemble: Authority