I Am

Kookie is a recently qualified barrister living in Birmingham.

Exodus 3:14 (NIV) —

‘Moses said to God, ‘Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?’ God said to Moses, ‘I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’’

My sister’s name is Zo, but people often assume her full name is Zoe (a beautiful name – just not hers!). Her full name is M’khuzo which means ‘comforter’. She was named this by our grandma, as she was born shortly after our grandad passed away.

When you understand the true meaning of her name, you have a deeper appreciation for all that she carries. It enables you to relate to her in a different way and rely on her for what is within her. You begin to see evidence of its definition in each encounter you have with her. Names are important.

In the Bible we find many different names for God, names that are given to him and names that he uses to describe himself. Over this week we will be exploring some of them. Each name reveals a specific part of his character that help us to understand him in a deeper way.

We are not able to fathom all that God is. In the scripture above, God tells Moses his name is simply ‘I am’ - nothing else added! This emphasises his infinite and all-encompassing nature, which can be difficult to get our heads around. But what we can do is draw upon the different parts of who he is to help us understand him in more ways.

Just like the example of Zo, understanding the different names of God, helps us to relate to him in a specific way, to be confident that we can rely on him for the attributes he holds; and it enables us to see evidence of who he is in our everyday lives.

My prayer is that exploring who he is will help us to know him in more fullness and lead us to give him more glory.

Prayer — Lord, reveal to us more of who you are as we explore your names this week.


El Roi


Time To Worship