I Am With You

Genesis 28:15 (NIV)

I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you

I don’t know about you, but occasionally (or frequently!) life can feel a little unsettling. Especially on a Monday morning when the reality of a new week hits after the escape of a weekend. Sometimes there’s a curved ball that comes along and you find yourself balancing on a proverbial tight rope in a vain attempt to miss it. Or maybe it’s more like you’ve thrown a boomerang and what you believed was a great decision comes thundering back a bit like a slap in the face! 

Maybe you’re right in the middle of situation and you feel entirely alone, not knowing how you’re going to move forward. Perhaps, whichever way you turn, you struggle to understand what is going on in this world of ours and it seems - All. Too. Much. I know that’s how I’ve felt many times over these past weeks. 

In those moments, when it is all too overwhelming, I have to return to simplicity and remember the INCREDIBLE truth of Genesis 28:15. God is with me. God is watching over me. ME! And He’s with you and watching over you too. Isn’t that just the best news?! He cares so much that even in the moments of being overwhelmed, the moments of heart- stopping, the moments of helplessness in understanding our world, he is there. He is with us and he is watching over us, and all those we pray for. How can we be certain of this? He has promised. And his promises never fail. When I realise that all over again, a joy fills my soul and it makes me exhale deeply with a heart cry 'Hallelujah! That's who’s with me!'

Prayer — Lord, when I feel like I’m on my own, or it’s all a bit much, remind me that you’re with me. That your promises never fail.


I Won’t Leave You


Seasons of Mess