I Won’t Leave You

Deuteronomy 31:6 (MSG)

Be Strong. Take Courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.

I’m a great believer in honesty, and it goes without saying that we should always be honest. So here goes - my heart cry ‘hallelujah’ (see yesterday) can sometimes last all of five minutes before self-doubt creeps in again.

After all, we are only human, and the reality of life and our own frailties can cause us to doubt or feel intimidated. Yet, our God is so kind that he doesn’t tell us just once that he is with us; he tells us over and over again. I love that in this version he is referred to as ‘striding’ ahead. When our steps are tentative and slow, his are strong and purposeful. 

I think of how Joshua must have felt when Moses handed the ‘baton’ over to him. I mean… MOSES! I’d have been intimidated enough at the thought of succeeding Moses, let alone anything else. But we see here that, since the beginning of time, God has recognised our humanness, and reinforced his supernatural power at work in our lives. Through Moses, he reminds Joshua not once, but twice in the following verses to ‘Be Strong and take Courage’ because he will not forsake him. And so suddenly, in my own weakness and doubt, I find myself in good company. If God saw that Joshua would need to hear this on repeat, then I think he’s only too pleased to remind me, and you, every single day, that he is with us. 

As Joshua was called to take the baton from Moses, secure in the knowledge that God was with him, I wonder what baton God might be calling you to take as you recognise his supernatural power striding ahead of you, enabling you too, to be brave and courageous. 

Prayer — Lord, thank you that you know us so well that you know we may need telling more than once! Help me to really hear and accept that you are always with me and lead me to be brave and courageous in you.


On Repeat


I Am With You