I Didn’t See That Coming

Exodus 1:12 (NLT) —

‘But the more the Egyptians oppressed them, the more the Israelites multiplied and spread and the more alarmed the Egyptians became.’

Whenever I think about this verse, I can’t help but imagine how this outcome must have been for the Egyptians. Can you imagine how annoyed, angry and disturbed they must have been, seeing their infamous plan fail?

The Egyptians' intention was to diminish the Israelites through hard labour. Very hard labour. In their human mind-set, the Egyptians had calculated that subjecting the Israelites to affliction would weaken their strength and cause them not to be fruitful and multiply. They wanted to diminish them not only in strength and morale but in their numbers too. 

But the beauty of this verse and story is that it reminds us that God’s plan and purposes still move forward regardless of anyone that might try their very best to stop them. In the Egyptians' minds, the harsh treatment would cause the numbers and strength of the Israelites to diminish but in God’s mind and in his divine equation the affliction meant growth. The wonderful reality is that the Israelites actually became healthier and stronger. They were not weakened by their hard experience but strengthened. 

I don’t know what may be afflicting you today or making you feel weak but let me encourage you that in any season of affliction where you may feel diminished, God will graciously take the opportunity to make you stronger. Joshua 1:9 reminds us to be strong and courageous, to not be afraid or be discouraged because the Lord our God is with us. 

God is with you today. Do not despair but be encouraged that any season of affliction or difficulty you may be facing, will one day bear fruit within you and beyond you, to your joy and to God's glory. After the darkness, comes the dawn. Remain strong and courageous. 

PRAYER — Father God, thank you that your plan and purpose for my life moves forward regardless of anyone or anything trying to stop it. 

I pray that you give me strength to stand firm and remain courageous in you. Let any afflictions or difficulties be an opportunity for you to be glorified.


He Sees You


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