He Sees You

James is Head of Operations & EA to Senior Pastors at Gas Street.

John 9:1 (NIV) —

‘As Jesus went along, he saw a man blind from birth.’

This week we’re taking a closer look at John 9 - the story of Jesus healing a man born blind. I’d encourage you to read the whole chapter this morning so you can follow the journey for the week.

I love the casual phrasing of this verse. When I think of Jesus, I recall the incredible things he did - walking on water, raising the dead, healing the sick. But here he is - simply walking along, going about his daily business. Slowing down enough to be interruptible and seeing those, right on the edges of the crowd, who needed him. 

For the man in the story, this was an unexpected life-changing moment: he’d been unable to see for his entire life, and this was about to change. But for Jesus, it was just part of his day. I wonder how many people Jesus stopped and spoke to during his time on earth... 

Sometimes we may feel we’re just trudging through a normal day, or perhaps we think we’re invisible, on the edge of the crowd, and we're unaware that Jesus is 'passing by' and is about to intervene in our lives, to bring breakthrough to issues we have been dealing with all our lives.

Are we living with the knowledge and expectancy that the God who walked on water and raised the dead is walking along with us and sees us every moment of every day? Are we slowing down enough to recognise those issues and situations he wants us to bring to him for healing or breakthrough?

And crucially - are we slowing down enough to see others on the edge of the crowd who need him as much as we do?

Prayer — Jesus, give me fresh expectancy for you to intervene in my life. And help me to slow down enough to see those people that you want me to see - with your eyes. Reveal to me their needs and the ways you want to use me to bless them.


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