If…Then - Complete Confidence

Romans 8:31 (NIV) —

‘What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?’

 In December 2018, I was in Zimbabwe spending time at our family homestead with my cousins and we were getting slightly bored with rural life. One particularly dark night we decided to take a relaxed ride in the car. All was going well until we saw a small silver flash in the distance and something moving. We froze and I remember my cousin saying, ‘If we text my dad, he’ll come with us, and we will be safe’.  That was all the assurance I needed to know that we were going to be ok.

 Knowing that there is someone who is stronger, wiser, more fearless walking beside us helps us to be bolder. When we know that there is someone in our corner, we gain a quiet confidence in what we can do. Howard Thurman says, 'There is a quiet courage that comes from an inward spring of confidence in the meaning and significance of life. Such courage is an underground river, flowing far beneath the shifting events of one's experience, keeping alive a thousand little springs of action.'*

 God is described throughout the Bible as a El-Shaddai, God Almighty (Gen 17:1), Lion of Judah (Rev 5:5), El Elyon, God Most High (Psalm 57:2) and here we see that that same God is for us. He is in our corner, he is walking beside us and in us, and spurring us on.

 Encouragement: As we come to the end of Reset week, let us take a hold of that promise and let us continue pressing into prayer.

 *Howard Thurman (2014). “Meditations of the Heart”, p.52, Beacon Press


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If…Then - Mountain Moving Faith