If…Then - Mountain Moving Faith

 Matthew 17:19 -20 (NIV) —

‘The disciples...asked, 'Why couldn't we drive [the demon] out?

He replied, 'Because you have such little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.'

 Haven’t we all said or thought the following: If my faith was stronger, then I’d see healing. If my faith was stronger, I’d be in a better financial position. If my faith was stronger, I wouldn’t be facing this problem. 

 Unanswered prayer can be frustrating and make us question how much faith we have. We see our present positions and judge that our faith is weak, and this is the reason we aren’t seeing breakthrough. I have often read these verses and thought it was about the quantity of my faith, incorrectly measuring it by how many times I had read my Bible, how much quiet time with God I had had that week. As I am maturing, I am learning that it is nothing to do with how much faith I have but what kind of faith I have. The kind of faith that is as small as a mustard seed has to be placed in an almighty and powerful God. 

 Charles Spurgeon says of Matthew 17:20, 'What matters most is what our faith is in, the object of our faith. The eye cannot see itself. Did you ever see your own eye? In a mirror you may have done so, but that was only a reflection of it. And you may, in like manner, see the evidence of your faith, but you cannot look at the faith itself. Faith looks away to itself to the object of faith, even to Christ.'

 During Reset as we as a church are devoting ourselves to prayer, let us put our mustard seed, mountain-moving faith in Christ, and I believe we will see him move in a powerful way in our community.

Encouragement: Take some time today to write down those unanswered prayers. Surrender them to God and let him work his will.


If…Then - Complete Confidence


If…Then - Freedom