If…Then - Freedom

John 8:36 (NIV) —

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

 ‘Right Year 7, pack your bags, we’re closing school early today due to transport issues.' Those were the words that left my mouth as an important email flashed on my screen. As one, 30 little voices whooped loudly then about 20 seconds later, one pupil paused and said ‘Miss, this isn’t a trick, is it?’

 We have a really hard time believing good news even more so news that seems too good to be true. Now there are times when we have reason not to believe news that is too good to be true - that email link saying you’ve won a large sum of money, don’t click it! It is not the case in this verse from John's gospel. The good news is that freedom from the slavery of sin is possible through Jesus himself.

 Charles Spurgeon refers to this ‘If’ Statement as a ‘Blessed If.' In his sermon 'the Great Liberator'*, he puts it like this, the blessed ‘if’ is like the prison window through the stony wall: it lets in enough sunshine for us to read the word 'hope'.

 Freedom is possible, no matter who you are and where you come from. The even better news is that we as humans do not have to do the freeing; that freedom, true freedom, is only possible through a relationship with Jesus. What would it look like if we, as a church, all walked in the freedom we have, to live our lives to the full.

 Prayer - Jesus thank you that you are the one who offers true freedom. Help me to walk in that freedom today.

 *Ref : Sermon : The Great Liberator , Charles Spurgeon 1864.


If…Then - Mountain Moving Faith


If…Then - It Starts With You