Increasing The Flock

Ezekiel 34:18 & 16 (NIV)

Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you also trample the rest of your pasture with your feet? Is it not enough for you to drink clear water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet? ... I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice...

In a flock of sheep, the stronger ones can bully their way to better pasture. Imagine a ram consumed with getting to water, oblivious to the damage it's causing to the grass needed for the smaller sheep. 

The Lord’s challenge to Israel here is stark. Don’t be so selfishly engrossed in feeding yourself that you neglect others. You can almost hear him asking, ‘Did I not come looking for you when you were lost? Will you go and look for the lost too?’ 

It's easy to become insular. The weeks are busy: work, family, small group, socials, church. None of those things are bad; in fact, they are great. But the reminder from the Lord is a necessary one - are we aware of the lost people in our daily comings and goings? Are we creating opportunities for those that don't know Jesus to come and enjoy some of the great pasture we're grazing on? 

When we experience something we love, we share it with others. Maybe we tell a friend, forward an Instagram or post it on the family WhatsApp group. It’s natural to share good news. And Jesus is the best of good news. I don't want to underestimate the challenge of mission and evangelism. The key step, however, is creating awareness, birthing a desire in the church (us) to reach the lost. Today's passage reminds us who brings salvation – I will, I will, I will – it's the Lord's work, but he asks our cooperation. 

We mustn't get hung up on the seemingly impossible task of bringing someone into the flock. A first step is becoming aware of those around us who don’t know Jesus. Maybe just talking to them about the flock, or about the pasture, is enough for now. Then we can trust the Lord to either reveal the next step or to complete the work himself. 

Prayer Thank you, Lord, that your heart is to save people. Thank you that you sought me out and brought me to graze on your pasture. Increase my yearning for those who do not know you. Reveal to me the opportunities to share your love with those around me.


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