The Grass Is Not Greener!

Ezekiel 34:14-15 (NIV)

I will tend them in a good pasture, and the mountain heights of Israel will be their grazing land. There they will lie down in good grazing land, and there they will feed in a rich pasture on the mountains of Israel. I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down, declares the Sovereign Lord.

I compare things. It’s a (not so) secret weakness. As I scroll through my Instagram feed, other people's posts often leave me comparing my life to theirs. When I look at friends, family and those I work with, I can’t help but draw comparisons. Why does the grass always look greener on the other side? 

The truth is that the grass is not greener on the other side. The pasture the Lord has placed me on is the perfectly and divinely created pasture specifically for me. The Lord has me exactly where he wants me to be because he is the True Shepherd of my life, guiding me and providing for all my needs according to his good purposes. 

Even the best of us loves a good moan, and the Israelites were no exception! I love how these verses show God getting ahead of any grumbling that might rise up. 

It’s the role of a shepherd to ensure good pasture for their sheep. He needs to feed his sheep, but also ensure times and places for rest. Ultimately, it’s the shepherd's duty and responsibility to see the sheep have everything they need to flourish. God’s promise to Israel is that he will be their provider. He will provide all their needs, and not just basic ‘good’. When the Bible uses the word ‘good’, this is the same word God used to describe Creation, so there’s a richness and a delight implied– it’s certainly not ‘average’! God promises the very best pasture, a ‘Garden of Eden creation-like’ pasture. A land renowned for its crops will be given to them - and us (v29). 

There are times when it's hard for us to remember this promise, but if we can fix our eyes on the Shepherd and his leading, we will eventually see that he has very very good things for us. 

Prayer Thank you that you are a good shepherd, Father God. Help me to trust that you are the prefect provider of all my needs. Reveal to me today, a way in which you have been providing exactly the right pasture for me.


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