Intimacy With God

Psalm 15:1-4 (TPT)

Question: Yahweh, who dares to dwell with you?
Who presumes the privilege of being close to you? 

God's Answer: 'They are passionate and wholehearted, always sincere and always speaking the truth - for their hearts are trustworthy. They refuse to slander or insult others; they’ll never listen to gossip or rumours, nor would they ever harm a friend with their words. They will despise evil and evil workers while commending the faithful ones who follow after the truth. They make firm commitments and follow through, even at great cost.' 

Worship to me means experiencing intimacy with the Lord. 

For a long time, I used to overcomplicate what it took to experience intimacy with God. I thought that it was a process that was intense and difficult. But I have learnt that it comes down to the choices I make in my every day. The things I decide to do (or not to do) will allow me to draw near to the Father, leading me to experience deeper intimacy with him. 

I love today's scripture because it starts with David asking the Lord a question about the character of those who are close to God. The Lord  answers: take a moment to re-read and ponder what he says.

This is a reminder that what we consider small insignificant choices, are in fact choices that have a great impact on our relationship with God.

Here are some of them:

the choice to surrender our time to Jesus.
the choice to speak life to others instead of gossiping about them
the choice to show up and worship together even though the week has been rough. 

We face these challenges daily as we walk in the Kingdom. Making the right choices leads us deeper in our relationship with a wonderful God. 

Prayer — Lord help us to make good choices that will draw us closer to you. Would you in turn draw close to us so that we may experience deeper intimacy with you


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