Is Life Pointless?

Ecclesiastes 1:2 (NIV) 

'Everything is meaningless,' says the Teacher, 'completely meaningless!' 

What tops the list of most underrated Bible books? That’s right: Ecclesiastes. The first half of Ecclesiastes reads like a philosophy student having an existential crisis - it’s brilliant. I mean look at the second verse... 

According to one Jewish tradition, these are the dramatic words of King Solomon. Now it’s fair to say King Solomon was someone who lived a life of luxury, riches and power. Yet, after spending years searching for meaning, with a life that reads as the synopsis of the Jim Carrey movie ‘Yes Man’, the author concludes one is pointless! 

Sounds depressing right? Okay, let’s look at Chapter 9:7-8... 

‘So go ahead. Eat your food with joy, and drink your wine with a happy heart, for God approves of this! Wear fine clothes, with a splash of cologne!’ (NLT) 

Ah, so life is pointless...without Jesus!
There’s so much to be enjoyed on this earth: food, music, family, holidays, a cappuccino at Colmore Coffee, the OdeonLuxe. God’s all for us enjoying these things; it is his creation after all. But let’s not get so caught up in the things to the exclusion of the Creator. Let’s not spend our life searching for meaning, only to reach the same conclusion the Ecclesiastes writer did. 

Without God, we merely exist, moving quickly from the excitement of youth to the loss and sometimes bitterness of old age. But with God, we can enjoy each moment, relationship and experience along the way. He enjoys the good things with us.
'So go ahead.' 

Prayer Jesus I fix my eyes on you. I thank you for your incredible creation. That you are a God of joy, laughter, and fun. I pray today I can enjoy the riches of your creation and provision for me.


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