It Happened So Fast

Amos 9 v 13 - 14 (MSG) —

‘Yes indeed, it won’t be long now. God’s decree. ‘Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once – and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills.’

I love this passage in Amos. Honestly, this is a passage that has got me through many of my 'waiting seasons' and it's also a passage I've remembered when I've seen God move suddenly. Do you know the saying that 'it can take God a long time to move suddenly'? We must not lose heart in our waiting because this passage reminds us that God can move so fast that your head will swim!

I feel as though I'm in my swimming phase right now (after many challenging waiting phases.) I have things happening that I have waited a very very long time for. Years in fact. I have prayed for these things, believed for these things and hoped for these things. And as Amos says, everything is now happening at once. 

I know for some of you reading this today, you are in your waiting phase. It has been weeks, months, years of you waiting and believing God for that hope or dream: 

·       That house

·       That job

·       That relationship

·       That breakthrough

You are praying, believing and holding on and I just want to encourage you with Habakkuk 2:3 (MSG) that says 'If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time.'

So don't allow disappointment to grip your heart but instead grab hold of faith today. Believe again that God knows what he is doing and his timing is perfect for you. He will exceed what you expect. Believe me! I have seen it in my own life. Put your trust and confidence in Christ again. A time will come when things happen so fast and, everywhere you look, you will see blessings. 

PRAYER — Father God I thank you so much that you are with me in my waiting. I put my trust in you again and I am confident in your perfect timing. Strengthen me in this season of waiting.

I know you are the God who has plans for me that will exceed my expectations and I thank you for that. 


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