Lessons From The Garden: Awe And Wonder

Psalm 139 v14 (NIV)
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

A few years ago, I set up various prayer stations in the garden for a special evening of prayer for our homegroup. It was Spring and the apple tree was in full bloom. At this particular ‘station’, the person praying was encouraged to pause, look at the blossom on the tree, and take in its beauty. Then to turn their mind to Creator God who made such beauty and spend time meditating on Psalm 139.

May I encourage you to just pause, and if you can, take a walk outside and look at the beauty of God’s wonderful creation. Take time to look at a tree or flower (if you can’t go outside perhaps you could look up a photo on your phone) and take in how wonderfully created it is.   

The next prayer station I set up in the garden that evening, invited the person praying to look up at the sky and consider the vastness of it, and then think about the magnitude of God’s love for them and just how small we are in comparison - and yet God sees us. 

Isn’t it mind blowing that the God who created the Universe, made you and me and cares for us dearly and loves each one of us beyond measure? He knows absolutely everything about us. He has called us by name, and we are his. We are his beloved. Doesn’t that make your heart leap for joy?   

Prayer - May the knowledge that the maker of Universe loves me dearly and knows me intimately, fill my heart with joy today and always. 


Lessons From The Garden: See For Real


Lessons From The Garden: Time To Grow