Lessons From The Garden: Help!

Proverbs 27 v 9 (ICB)
Perfume and oils make you happy.
And good advice from a friend is sweet

I am the main gardener in my family. Most tasks I can manage on my own, and I love seeing the results of my labour at the end of a day in the garden, but sometimes there are things I cannot manage on my own. Being quite stubborn at times, I don’t like to admit I need help. Last year I decided to dig an area of the garden so that I could turn it into a vegetable patch. So, with fork and spade, I started digging, but it wasn’t long before I encountered some big roots, got rather discouraged and wanted to give up. However, I decided to swallow my pride and go and ask my husband if he could help me. Eventually, with the use of an axe and more digging, the stubborn roots were conquered and the vegetable growing could begin.   

How often do we go through life thinking we can do this on our own, that we don’t need Jesus and we certainly don’t want to ask for help? Jesus is our helper, and yes, we must always go to him in prayer. However, sometimes help needs to be of a practical nature, or there is something ‘deeply rooted’ that we need to seek counsel over or get help from others. 

Being part of a Christian community is such a blessing, and if there are things that are difficult for you at the moment, yes, of course, pray about them, but also pray about them with someone. Don’t let pride hold you back!

Prayer - Give me the wisdom and the courage to seek help whenever I need it.  


Talking In Parables


Lessons From The Garden: See For Real