Let Peace Rule

Colossians 3:15 –

‘Let the peace of Christ rule in Your hearts...’

I often pray peace to fall on a confusing or chaotic situation. The nature of the word ‘peace’ speaks of a gentleness and calm. I love here how Paul talks about the ‘rule’ of peace; associating it with a word that has power, authority and is absolute. There is no room for anything else to be in charge. In this little phrase, he has captured the very essence of our God: sovereign yet merciful, strong and powerful yet tender and compassionate, the King yet the servant: the only one who has the ability to hold opposites together in perfect harmony.

We read in Mark 4 of Jesus in a boat with his disciples when they are caught in a storm. The disciples are terrified and in a flurry of panic. Jesus wakes up (yes, he was asleep!) and tells the sea ‘Peace, be still’. Notice how he doesn't ask for peace to fall but commands it. The rule of peace.

When we are caught in a storm of our minds and emotions or a situation that feels confusing and chaotic, this is a great reminder to us that the kingdom of God is always near, just one word away. Peace.

Today, I speak to the raging waters of my mind, body and emotions and say ‘Peace, in Jesus name.’ I notice anything else that might be trying to rule or take over and place it under his authority.

Today I ‘let’ my heart be ruled by his peace knowing that despite the conflict within, in Jesus, everything is and will be reconciled.

Prayer – Prince of Peace, rule over my life today.


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