The Submission of Love

Colossians 3:18-19 –

‘Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.’

Whether married or single, we have in these verses a stunning picture of mutual surrender and sacrificial love. Putting aside our circumstances or opinions for a moment, let's dive into deeper truths.

Marriage is a picture of the relationship we share with the Father. We, the church, are submitted to Christ as his bride; He is the head of the Church, and thereby our ‘husband.’ Christ in his leadership still submits to the Father, even though he is God himself. He is humble, showing his love of the Father by obeying him, even as far as death on a cross for our salvation.

The Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one and equal yet with differing roles: the Trinity work together in unity, in love and in order. They appreciate and celebrate each other's roles because they are one, working together. The sacrificial love we see in the Godhead is the example we should desire to replicate in our relationship with God and also in earthly marriages.

Christ who is God himself was humble enough to wear my weakness on the cross and overcome sin and death on my behalf. Shouldn’t I aspire to demonstrate the humility of Jesus in my life? I struggle at times to yield, follow and trust. Present day pains sometimes blind us from seeing the ever-present grace flowing from the Father. However, submission leads to proximity and proximity to revelation, revelation that no matter how many choices there are, God is always the right choice because of his perfect love and plans for us.

Prayer – Lord help me to live in surrender as you lead me in your love.


Love and Grace


Let Peace Rule