Living Our Best Lives

Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV)
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

In my teen years, I was very much into drawing and began making greeting cards. A well-known card shop placed a small order for some of these handmade creations, and this was a significant achievement for me at the time. I was at a crossroads, having just left school and lacking direction. 

Although simple, making the cards was time-consuming, involving sketching traditional scenes in the newspaper, painting, drying, and careful presentation. 

A family friend (who had heard about the cards) placed an order for some. As I look back now, I think she wanted to show me kindness and simply encourage me. I, on the other hand, thought quite highly of my capabilities but promised a date when they would be ready. A typical teen, I then forgot.

The day came. I was unprepared. I remember rushing to try and get them all done, knowing well that I could not do my best, but haughtily thinking quite highly of my art, I pieced them together so quickly - dismissing my own better judgement. 

How many times the Lord has taken me back to that memory to remind me to do whatever I do well. 

In the verse above, Apostle Paul’s advice is practical wisdom to apply in everything we say and do, every day. For the tired times, for the difficult times, for when I have taken too much on, for when I feel I deserve a rest... for every instance. We are encouraged to be positively intentional in all our efforts without inner grumbling or resentment and doing everything with our whole heart - as though we were doing it for the Lord Jesus himself.

Prayer - God, my Heavenly Father, as I go through each day, please help me to speak and do everything I undertake willingly and enthusiastically with a pure heart, for you. Let my only agenda be to please you and walk in your purpose. 


Trusting In The Waiting


The Family Resemblance