Trusting In The Waiting

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths.

Sometimes circumstances make us feel we have been waiting for so long, because we are so yearning for change. Perhaps this is what the Israelites felt as they navigated their way toward the Promised Land. They had waited so long in Egypt, crushed, enslaved and hopeless. Then, God sent Moses to rescue them. After a dramatic escape from Pharoah and his men, they walked, and they waited, they waited, and they walked for 40 years…

We, too, go through some seasons in our lives which seem fruitless as we wait. 

All around the world, people like you and me are waiting - waiting for that first big break at work, waiting for a good season for crops, waiting for a better prognosis from the doctor, waiting for that perfect marriage partner, waiting for the war to be over…

And in the waiting, God asks each of us to keep trusting in him. To keep our eyes fixed on him. 

A pastor recently talked about how people get into a large, steel, skyborne machine that defies gravity without thinking twice about it - their faith in a pilot whom they have never met before. And yet we often hesitate to trust God, the Maker of the universe. 

In this verse, the ultimate prize is to have the paths ahead of us made straight, our way made easier… but there are conditions: -

1. That we trust in God implicitly – above every other thing we hear or see as obstacles in the physical realm. Above the doubts that shake us.

2. That we do not trust in what we think we know or in our reasoning. 

3. That we include him, appreciate him, give him that first place in our lives – that driver's seat... so that we can relax and enjoy the journey!

Prayer – Precious Father, help me to keep my heart stayed on you in my waiting. I cannot see ahead, but I know that you can, so please help me to be unwavering in my trusting - knowing that you go before. 




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