Love Like The World Is Watching

John 13:35 (The MSG)

‘This is how everyone will recognise that you are my disciples – when they see the love you have for each other.’ 

On the face of it, this is one of the most ridiculous verses in the whole Bible. Jesus’ disciples did many radical and distinctive things. They healed people, they raised people from the dead, they performed miracles, they cast out demons. All things that Jesus did, all totally miraculous, all things that I would put high up on the list of ‘ways to spot a disciple of Jesus’. But no, Jesus doesn’t choose any of these things. He says the most distinctive thing about the people of God isn’t the miracles or the power, it’s the way we love each other. We are called to love each other in such a radical and distinctive way that the world cannot help but take notice. 

Note here that Jesus doesn’t say that people will know that we’re his followers because we love them. That would almost make sense. But it’s because they witness the depth of love found within our community, the love that we show to each other. A community where love abounds is wildly attractive to the outsider!

Our greatest witness to the world isn’t found in our wonderful worship, or our brilliant preaching, or even in our miraculous deeds. It’s found in our love, in the daily laying down of our lives for each other. After all, there’s nothing more ‘Jesus’ than that!

So, let’s get practical. As we start the week, have a chat with Jesus about this verse. What would it look like for you to extravagantly, radically, distinctively love people this week? Perhaps between you and Jesus, you’d like to come up with two or three people to target this week. Maybe send them a nice text or a card, or clean their car, or send them a gift. Whatever you think would make them feel loved and valued. Let’s love one another until the world takes notice!

Prayer- Help me today, Jesus, to ‘do’ love.


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You Are God’s Seed