You Are God’s Seed

Hosea 2:23 (NIV)

I will plant her for myself in the land; I will show my love to the one I called 'Not my loved one.' I will say to those called 'Not my people,' 'You are my people'; and they will say, 'You are my God.

During one of my most desperate hours of need, God used WhatsApp and my mum to speak to me. There I was, two weeks to my PhD thesis submission date, a bunch of corrections and two whole chapters unwritten with no clue what to write, zero motivation and willpower, crying into my pillow asking God and all of heaven’s host to intervene (because it could take nothing else at this point!) 

There I received a WhatsApp message from my oblivious mum with this scripture; she didn’t know by sending a broadcast message she was speaking directly to me. God’s power at work.

Hosea 2:23 says God himself plants us for himself and for his glory in whatever position we are, whether in our career, education or location. After reading this, I told myself that I could be certain that I would not fail because it is impossible for God to fail (2 Timothy 2:13). So because he has planted me, I will flourish and grow because it’s he himself that cultivates me ‘for his great name’s sake’ (1 Samuel 12:22).  Therefore, he will see me through to the end.  

My testimony is that in two days all the amendments were completed and within days the ideas just flowed for the missing chapters: according to my supervisor it was ‘the best work you have ever produced.’ I ended up submitting a week and a half before the dreaded deadline (and successfully passed my thesis defence after that).  

If you acknowledge yourself as God’s seed, that he has planted you for his good purposes, you will flourish and succeed and become a beautiful tree. A tree which will be everlasting; you will bring shade to others; you won’t just finish but you will finish beautifully.  

Prayer- Thank you God that I am your seed. Thank you that I haven’t planted myself and that you take care of me. Thank you that you never fail and you will bring everything to its right conclusion. 


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