My Bad!

Ife is a hospital doctor and is also following the Youth Stream of Gas Street Academy

2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV) —

‘…if my people–who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.’

I grew up with a brother 18 months older than me so naturally, as the younger, I got away with everything. When we got up to mischief, I would bat my eyelashes and smile while my brother got told off. Then I started to play pranks by myself and when I got caught, there was no-one else to blame! I got told off, punished, and I had to apologise to the person I had inconvenienced. I didn’t really mean my apology because I thought my pranks were harmless but I said sorry because I was told to.

As I grew up and became tempted by the things of the world, small things entered my lifestyle that I thought were harmless. I didn’t see how they were influencing my walk with God so I didn’t feel the need to say sorry to him. Then God opened my eyes to the reality. Nothing that distracted me or took me away from my walk with him was harmless and I needed to repent. Growing up in church, I had often heard this said and I just thought it was the simple act of 'saying sorry.' But it is much more.

The verse above has helped me understand: God says this to the Israelites after Solomon has built the temple for God. The King offers a prayer of dedication and in 2 Chronicles 6:28, he asks if God will forgive his people if they pray, acknowledge him and turn from their sins.

2 Chronicles 7:14 is part of God’s gracious reply to this prayer and he has used this verse to take me on a journey of repentance. We'll continue that journey together this week.

Prayer: Lord, would you open my eyes to the small things in my life that seem ‘harmless’ but are a distraction from my walk with you. Help me to come to you in repentance.


The Family Name


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