Out Of The Spotlight

Philippians 2:7-8 —

‘...rather, he made himself nothing
    by taking the very nature of a servant,
    being made in human likeness.

And being found in appearance as a man,
    he humbled himself
    by becoming obedient to death –
        even death on a cross!’

We are not all called to stand in the spotlight. I, for one, am very grateful for this fact! Speaking in front of big groups of people does not come naturally to me.

Sometimes when we look towards those who appear to confidently preach the gospel or lead worship, we can find ourselves in a cycle of comparison. Deep down, we may see their confidence and feel like we’re not living up to God’s expectations if we don’t do the same thing. But the courage we perceive in true leadership does not come from a need to impress others, nor is it effortless, but it is born from a humble heart and a desire to ask the question, ‘God, how can I serve you?’

As Paul describes in today’s verses, Jesus carried the ‘nature of a servant’, one who existed to put others above themselves. We are created in the image of God, and so are called to the same life of humility. God sent his own son, in human likeness, to serve the world by dying on the cross. When we acknowledge that all God is asking of us is to come before him with a servant-heart, we are released from any pressure to perform in a certain way.

So when I speak in front of others, I no longer feel that pressure because as long as what I’m doing serves God, I can speak with confidence and authority. He calls us all individually, both in and out of the spotlight, but regardless of where we stand, God provides everything we need to serve him.

Prayer- God, thank you that we are made in your image. We pray that, through serving you in all that we do, we would find confidence and authority to pursue your unique call on our lives.


Perspective And Perseverance


Nice Guys Don’t Finish Last