Panda Bear Panda Bear

Proverbs 3:5-6 (The Message) –

‘Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.’

Over Christmas my two-year-old daughter kept reciting what seemed like part of a book. I had no idea what she was talking about until a couple of weeks later I heard from her nursery that the ‘book of the week’ before Christmas was ‘Panda Bear Panda Bear what do you see?’ I read the story online and discovered that was the book she had been reciting so well. It now all made sense after a couple of weeks being pretty confused, trying to work out what she was talking about.

Feeling a bit lost and confused, just not making sense of much that was going on, has been a bit of a theme for me throughout 2020 and maybe even more so at the beginning of 2021 with lockdown three. But in Proverbs 3:5-6 God reminds us that he has not forgotten us and to let him be the one in control, trusting that he has got a plan, that he is the God of order not chaos, of perfect sense and understanding, not confusion. 

Sometimes it takes extra human strength to remember this stuff but that’s where we need the truths of the Bible, God’s word, to sustain us and remind us of God’s love and sovereignty over us and the world.

Whether it is that we are starting this year with lots of exciting prospects on the horizon or nothing at all, or just a bit confused about where we think God is leading us, we’re all in the same human boat (remember the boat in the storm on the lake in Mark 4:35-41) and this ringing command and promise from Proverbs 3 are for each and every one of us to take hold of and to determinedly trust God. This word from God certainly gives me a hope and excitement for the future.

Response – Spend time listening to God, what is he saying to you. What are some of your hopes and dreams for this year? Tell him about them and release them into his hands.


I Gave Up


Trust Not Fear