Trust Not Fear

Hebrews 11:1 –

‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped or, the evidence of things not seen.’

I was talking to a friend the other day about hope in uncertain times and they told me about their experience having to leave the city they were born and raised in, and in which they had planted all their adult roots, to move to a city where they knew no one and had no financial security. They told me that through the transition God was there every step of the way walking alongside them, taking care of every little detail. Things began to fall into place, doors opened and they were given unexplained favour.

They said of course they were worried and scared at times, but that they drew on their past experiences of walking with Christ. It was a gradual process of building on their faith foundation, because every aspect of their life had been changed and replaced with uncertainty.

It got me thinking about my approach to 2021. I recalled the story of Daniel in the lion's den and how his faith and trust in God out-weighed the fear of being thrown into the den. He still prayed and stayed close to God even though it could cost his life. So Daniel was put in the den but God shut the lions mouths and saved him. I mean that's some serious faith from being arrested, to the doors of the den being shut on you!

At this point how many of us would wonder if God was still there? And yet Daniel trusted him, not wavering in his faith.

Sometimes you may feel you are brought to the brink of trouble or into your own Lion’s den, but know God is there by your side covering you, working it all out, saving you.

Prayer – Thank you Lord for all that you are, for giving me constant hope and for your love that pulls me through.


Panda Bear Panda Bear


The Privilege Of Prayer