
Luke 22:42 (NIV)

'Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.' 

As we finish our week reflecting on the theme of martyrdom, I’d like to introduce you to Polycarp who was bishop of Smyrna, off the west coast of Turkey. Smyrna is one of the seven Churches in Asia, mentioned in Revelation 2, undergoing persecution. Polycarp was taught by Jesus’ friend and disciple, John. So, while he hadn’t met Jesus, he knew John who knew Jesus!

Being a bishop in the second century was a risky business. Christians were being persecuted as they refused to offer incense in worship of the emperor as god. Polycarp, explaining his personal refusal wrote, ‘For eighty and six years have I been (Jesus) servant, and he has done me no wrong, and how can I blaspheme my King who saved me?’

Polycarp spent much of his life avoiding arrest and death, probably because of the negative effect it would have on the morale of the churches he led. Then, aged 86, when he heard that the Roman authorities were set on arresting him, he decided to await them at home. His friends were horrified and persuaded him to retreat to a house outside the town. However, while there during a time of prayer, he heard from God say that this was his time to be arrested and die. So, as the soldiers came to the house, rather than hiding, he walked down the stairs to greet them. He was arrested and sentenced to burn at the stake.

What strikes me about Polycarp’s martyrdom is his wisdom in listening to the Spirit’s instruction. Explaining to his friends his decision to surrender to the authorities he simply said: ‘God’s will be done’. 

How often do we do what feels right or safe to us rather than listening to hear God’s will? Polycarp understood that it is important not only to discern the right action but also the right timing for God’s will. What is there in your life that you need to bring to God to ask him to show you his will and timing? 

Prayer Dear God, send your Spirit to give me discernment about your will and timing. Give me courage to bide my time or to act as you instruct.


A God That Loves Us


Steve Biko