Praise Before The Breakthrough!

I Samuel 2:2 (KJV) —

‘There is none holy as the Lord, for there is none besides Thee; neither is there any rock like our God.’

I love stories! Once upon a time, for friends and family, I was the go-to person for movie and TV show recommendations due to the sheer volume of them I watched. These days, I prefer to hear real people's stories, their triumphs, challenges and how they’ve overcome them - it's beautiful! The Bible is full of incredible stories of ordinary people: Hannah is one of those.

Hannah was sub-fertile in a society where a significant part of a woman’s value was placed on her ability to have a child. To make matters worse, she was continuously taunted by Peninnah, her husband’s other wife who had several children. Hannah cries to God for many years; in her desperation she promises to give her son to God 'for all the days of his life.' God hears her cry, and she gives birth to a son, Samuel (the great prophet who anoints David)  

Growing up, I sang the words in today’s verse, it was a popular chorus in Nigeria. It is one verse in Hannah’s prayer of thanksgiving after God answered her prayer. Reflecting on Hannah’s story, I found myself asking, what would it look like to pray a prayer like this, but before the breakthrough, in faith?

Prayers like this stir up our faith, to believe again in God’s promises over us, to trust in his character. Our faith in God has the additional benefit of pleasing God. Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:13).

Today, I encourage you to thank God as if he’s already done what you’ve been waiting for – in audacious faith. Worship opens our heart to the magnitude of who God is and shifts our perspective.

Prayer – Father, would you give me the grace to trust in you so deeply that I would dare to praise you in advance for my breakthrough.


God’s Promise, God’s Process, God’s Purpose


When The Waiting Feels Long